Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Journey Begins

Today, we begin the online portion of The Year with Jesus.  This is a ministry of Jonesville and Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Churches in northern Kentucky.  We are two church communities who are looking for where God is calling our congregations in ministry.  I believe that the Holy Spirit has reminded me that wherever we are called, we are called to go as the Body of Christ.  If we are to hope to follow in the example of Christ, it is critical that we under who Jesus is, what He taught, and what He did.  This is something that our church culture often gets wrong.  This year, we are endeavoring through detailed study of all four gospels to see who Jesus really is.  I hope we will remain open to possibly seeing a different Jesus - an unsettling Jesus, perhaps - than we have previously known.  Will you join us?

This is how we plan to go through The Year of Jesus:

  • Every Sunday, the sermon will move sequentially through the Gospel of John.
  • Every day (excluding Sunday), we will have a daily reading from the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) from the order in Burton Throckmorton's Gospel Parallels <<http://amzn.com/0840774842>>.  I will write a short daily devotional for the reading on this blog.
  • Every Thursday night, we will meet to discuss the readings from the Synoptic gospels for the week.

You are warmly welcomed and invited to join us.

  • We meet on Sunday morning at 9:30 for worship at Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church (230 Golds Valley Road, Dry Ridge, KY) with Sunday School following at 10:30; 
  • We meet on Sunday at 11:00 for worship at Jonesville United Methodist Church (4485 Stewart Ridge Road, just west of KY 36, Jonesville, KY) with Sunday School for all ages preceding worship at 10:00.  
  • We meet Thursday night at the Jonesville Church for Bible Study at 7:00 PM.

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